My Internet Home

We live in a crazy world. It’s filled with many wonderful things and many not-so-wonderful things. In recent history, it is modern-tech that has most rapidly developed and brought with it a slew of questions about who we are and where were are going.

The internet is a wide world of possibility. We jump into it without too much thought as to how best to use the tools programmers have made and how they might effect us. One such tool is social media. I like social media, I use it, I’ve deleted my apps in frustration when I spend too much time on it. Regardless of your feelings on social media and time spent or wasted, one thing we all need to understand is that on social media, you do not own your data. This fact is what has driven the explosive growth of social media and this fact is also what allows large corporations to exploit your tendencies to doom scroll late into the night.

So what is the response? I’m still trying to figure that out, but one piece seems to be to own your own data. Or at least, to own a piece of it. That is the purpose of this website. It is my slice of the internet. A place where I own what I produce. Sure, I have to pay a small fee to a domain registar and a hosting provider but I am not their tool, their product to be bought and sold.

And so, while I have social media and I use it and enjoy it, this website is fully, 100% me. It is a consolidation of who I am on the internet and who I strive to be. I hope you enjoy your brief visit here.

– Jonathan “JJ” George